Very Fine Sword and a pouch of the Mandingo , West Sahara, Africa - 14819

The Manding (Mandingo) are West African people that now live in Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, and Senegal. Their traditional sword comprises a saber like blade (usually of French or other European origin), guard less leather grip and scabbard with exquisite leather work. We offer here for sale such one prestigious sword which were carried only by man of high standing. 24 inches long curved blade. Leather grip. Very fine, colorful and very decorative leather scabbard with leaf shaped widening tip, entirely tooled and decorated. Of special interest are the tassel, belt and harnesses and the big round leather knobs with colorful plaited leather strips. Total length 32 inches. This sword comes with accompanied leather pouch of similar leather design and work. Very good condition. Old blade, probably late 19 - early 20C. The leather work is much later, second half of the 20C.
